Spend 2 nights in natural surroundings, inspired from a deeper place to create.

Cynthia Miller is inviting you to immerse yourself in art and relaxation at Pacific Peace Retreat, a luscious location on the Sunshine Coast of B.C. 
You will experience a meditative walk through an ancient forest with trees that talk and deliver messages.
Can you still your mind to listen?
Learn how to receive insights when we walk amongst the giants. Allow your intuition to surface. Visit the arbutus tree swing on the beach just steps away down the bluff and connect with water energy.
Then we paint.
Stay in our good vibe garden suite and receive guidance from Artist and Healer, Cynthia Miller, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Retreat Host. We create Intuitive Watercolour, Neurographic Art or a Plant Mandala and spend hours at a time blissfully in art.
Come and see how this can be good for you while igniting an inner spark to manifest life. 

Book a call with Cynthia to learn more.

Why are we inspired in this environment?

It is quiet. It is calm and we are not in a hurry. The benefits of creative energy help you become present in the moment and nothing does this better than being in nature. This is why it is important to walk with ancient trees to really feel the grounding and insights they provide. Then we create. We draw and plan and imagine the colours. Then we paint and perhaps pen with ink. It is a process that starts in nature. This is the place that makes it happen and you can experience this wonderful feeling simply by saying "yes". Click the link to book a call.

How will this help me?

If you are a beginner watercolour artist and feel inclined to just get away to focus for a few days and learn some new tips and techniques, Cynthia is here to guide you.

If you are a seasoned artist, then you know how important it is to be able to devote hours of time to build your creation and enhance your skills. We have the place for you to do that. 

Having a creative background all through her life with fabric arts, music and painting, Cynthia has been focusing these last 3 years hosting online watercolour classes for other artists around the world.

It's the community of like minded individuals that has helped her expand her knowledge and share with others globally through art. 

Cynthia creates all the time and believes that it is key to improving your skills; to be consistent. More importantly it is key to the state of mind to release worry, anger, resentment, sadness and so many other emotions we all feel.

It is often challenging to travel alone on your journey however it is always the balance of risk and reward that can only be measured when action is taken.

This is the Art Retreat

  • Arrive before dusk so we can visit the beach, connect with the water and see the hanging arbutus tree.
  • Orientation with handmade cedar sage smudge, we invite Directional Spirits and Art Expert Guides to be here with us. 
  • We begin with your Neurographic art piece that opens up pathways in your brain to let go of old ways of viewing life. You are encouraged to continue to work on this piece throughout the weekend to add to the abstract viewpoint.
  • The evening is yours to settle in after a delicious meal.
  • A morning walk in the ancient trees provides inspiration and allows a message to be initiated. It may be timely or immediate that a gem arrives in your consciousness.
  • Morning and afternoon is our time together to draw, paint and discuss all the many ways to create and we find ourselves feeling more aligned with clarity. 
  • Evenings are free for you to read or paint, draw and create whatever comes to you.
  • Art materials are included but feel free to bring your own supplies - whatever feels right for you.
  • All meals are included based on a menu submitted before you come.
  • This is a Private Retreat so you recieve 1:1 instruction. 
  • Options for Friends Art Retreat up to 3 persons - let's chat!
2 night Art Retreat
Transportation NOT included. Your investment: $639
Be sure to book a call at the link below to find out more about our Art Retreat.

BONUS OPTION: Arrive by Float Plane 
Includes Round Trip Harbour Air Transport to and from either YVR float plane terminals.
Your Investment: $979 all inclusive
Additional cost per person - Let's chat!

Menu Options

BREAKFAST In addition to fresh fruit breakfast is either oatmeal with yummy toppings, or eggs with sweet potato slices or a shot of wheatgrass and protein green drink.

LUNCH: In addition to vegetables lunch will be homemade soups, salads, wraps with in house made dressings, dips and pesto.

DINNER: In addition to vegetables, dinner is Vegetable Lasagna, Lemon Salmon Bake, Chickpea / Lentil / Quinoa bowls or Quesadilla.

SNACKS: Sweet and savory snacks, sometimes homemade and filtered water are provided.

Plant Mandala

Create a Pentacle with a five pointed star or expand the size with natural plant material you gather on a Meditative Walk with Cynthia Miller, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Medical Intuitive.
Tune into the energy of the plants, colours, texture and touch while you build your work outdoors. We have ample covered area to do this work as the winter sun shines low.
Give thanks for the blessings you know are here for you and allow your connection with nature to guide you on your path.
Paint your Plant Mandala from a photo and the comfort of your suite. Take home the memories and energy of the moments here in creation. 

What are you choosing in this moment to make that happen?

Cynthia Miller as your Guide.

Speaking her voice has not always been easy for Cynthia, feeling shy and unimportant for most of her life. It has been through helping others that wisdom grew and gave her wings to fly. 

Cynthia believes that everything we need to live our life in peace is right in front of us. It is the power of choice that brings the feeling of flow and ease.


“Each time I talk to you, I learn something new or get affirmation for what I'm doing is in order. I credit you for giving me the space I needed to feel this. You have a beautiful soul and it shows in everything that you do. Thank you for helping me to open up and understand myself so much more now. You are clearly doing something you are meant to do.”

“Before I came to you I was anxious and judgemental and I had lost my passion for life. I was feeling pretty down about myself. You seemed to know how to listen to me and helped me to get myself back on track. Thank you for allowing me the space to do my work. You truly have helped me turn a corner in my life. I feel clear now about what I have to do and how to move forward.”

"This retreat was exactly what I needed at this low and challenging point in my life. As a single working mom of a child with special needs I was completely burnt out and had lost my joy in life and my self in caring for and supporting others. 
This retreat used tools and supports that helped me to reconnect with my inner and authentic self to figure out what I need to do to get my joy and life balance back. 
It also provided practical tools like ways to quiet my mind to help me get to sleep when my mind is cluttered.
A lovely setting, wonderful host and delicious food!
Thank you!"

"Such a treat to be in an outstandingly beautiful spot with a wonderfully gracious host! Thank you Cynthia for the many delicious breakfasts and insightful conversations about manifestation and speaking to the universe. Conversations with you were always enjoyable. Our stay here at your retreat is not one we will soon forget and our recommendation of you to our family and friends will be easy!"

"A couple nights at Pacific Peace Retreat was just what I needed coming out of a dark winter. It was the perfect place for me to reflect on the life changes I knew were just ahead. Time to feel free. To explore. To enjoy the sounds of nature without city noise. Though it was rainy, and I didn’t have a chance to explore the beach I knew was 5 minutes away, the view was breath-taking! And the quiet so welcomed.

I felt warm and cozy in the comfortable ambience of the guest suite. Cynthia doesn’t just welcome her guests; she holds space for them. She not only provides physical comfort; her forte is nourishing her guests with fresh food and centering practices that honour their needs of the moment and their unique life journey. I have visited several times and I will be back again!"

What a pleasure to be able to relax after all the years of stress and discomfort after the car accident. My partner thinks it was some sort of a miracle!

"Cynthia provides a wonderful healing space for anyone seeking to renew themselves, to overcome feeling stuck or to get on a new track in life. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend retreat at Pacific Peace. The house is located overlooking the expansive Sechelt Inlet. Cynthia provides nourishing meals and tea. I loved the reiki, hypnotherapy and scalp massage. Cynthia has the ability to tune right into you, what is going on with you and sense some shifts you want to be making in your life. I felt completely understood and supported. I liked the balance between time with Cynthia and time to walk on the beach, to hike on the trails nearby and to write in my journal. A very worthwhile time spent. Thank you"
“I have been able to let go of low self worth and forgive myself after a few days with Cynthia. She has taught me that by taking care of myself, I can learn to love myself again. I feel like I have dissolved a wall around my heart”.

“I feel like I've recreated the belief in myself with the help of Cynthia. You've given me many tools that will help me to be the person I know I can be. I feel more truthful looking at the blocks that used to hold me back. I feel light now.” 
“You've given me tools to help me reconnect with my inner authentic self and to figure out how to get my joy and balance back. Thank you!”

“Thank you so much for helping me to realize that I am not alone, that I can let things unfold and my needs will always be met. The universe has my back and I am opening up to good fortune and lessons to be learned. Letting go of control is good.”

“Thank you for helping me to let go of perfectionism. I know it has been holding me back and now I feel completely free of it. It helped me to be open to looking at my life differently and rewriting my story. I see my strengths now.”
"I was looking for a place to get away as I was feeling overwhelmed with chronic back pain and trying to juggle many things in my life.  I wasn't eating or sleeping well and had a poor outlook.
Cynthia welcomed me to her beautiful retreat and over three days I experienced the perfect balance of rest and relaxation, movement, healing treatments - and I slept like a baby.  Her food and handmade juice blends were absolutely delicious and energizing.  The healing treatments were effective and I feel coming away with a new 'toolbox' from which I can use practically, when I need to. I highly recommend this oasis for anyone just needing to get away, be beautifully nourished and genuinely cared for."

"Thank you for a wonderful Retreat getaway - just what my heart, soul and mind needed. Beyond all the work we did together - your retreat is a beautiful place to reconnect and listen to the inner voice. Cynthia you are a lovely, gracious host and I will highly recommend anyone to come here."

It was a pleasure to meet you. It feels as though we have known each other forever. 
I have really enjoyed your insights and the services you provided.
The yoga, meditation and hypnotherapy was so comfortable in your great Zen Feng Shui room. I have finally been able to breathe thanks to your knowledge of essential oils.
Your location is gorgeous! I appreciated the forest bathing, ceremonial cleansing and burning bowl ceremony at the end of my stay."
"Cynthia helped me through a very difficult time in my life with hypnotherapy. It helped me overcome fear and helped me to believe in myself so that I was able to fight the disease that had taken over my life.

Hypnosis helped to relax me so that I was able to sleep better. It brought calm to my daily life that enabled me to see clearly and focus on getting better. My friends and family could see that it helped me and in doing so, gave them confidence in me and my healing.

Hypnosis has brought joy to my life as I learned the benefits of releasing emotions that do not serve me."